Monsoon 2

I heard about the Monsoon anthology online and got immediately excited. Slowork Publishing started the series in 2017 and it consists of four issues of documentary comics from Asia, published in both Chinese and English. ...

The Betrayal of the Mouse

I created this story over the summer and made a little mini of it. I had always intended to post it online, but I was trying to think of where. Tapas has been okay, but ...

new story: Callisto 7

I’m not done with Lounger, but I’ve already started on a new story, Callisto 7. This is going to be a sci-fi story set on a station on Jupiter’s moon, Callisto. As the title implies, ...

A Meditation on Being

What is will be what was, Though yesterday was what will be. What you hope will be Must first be what isn’t. There is no gain without nothing. There is no loss that is not ...

The Last Guardian redux

So yeah, I’ve been playing more video games during this global pandemic, remote teaching, constant fires, nihilistic political world we’re in. Recently, I played the 2018 remake of Shadow of the Colossus. I was mildly ...

Panel: top and bottom

Rudolf Arnheim states that in an artistic space, “dynamics [vary] with direction” (30). Or to put it another way, location in a comics panel implies meaning. In the Famous Artists Cartoon Course Lesson 11, the ...

Panel: left to right

The idea that comics have greater clarity when composed with the reading direction in mind tends to be widely understood. Almost all books on comics creation mention this. For instance, addressing English readers, Robyn Chapman ...