Slough & Stair pages 12-15

New pages will probably take awhile after this. I need to plan out the next chapter and write some (!) dialogue. But here are the last few pages of (what is now) the prologue:


This is another little thing that I discovered. I quickly pencilled this back in March of 2022 and promptly forgot about it. I found it again when I found “The Secret” and also decided to ...

The Secret

This is a little comic that I pencilled back in March of 2022. I found it the other day and decided to flesh it out. It fits with my other comics about my NPE experience, ...

The Weary Blues

Twenty years ago, I was finishing my comics adaptation of the Langston Hughes poem “The Weary Blues.” The final page was completed on January 14, 2004. I remember that my goal was to replicate the ...

2023 – Year in Review

This has been a slow and haphazard year creatively, extending from the feelings of last year. As I said before, I’ve lost some faith in my art, which has slowed my momentum and caused me ...