new version of “Lounger”
After saying that I was not going to go through with this story, I’ve been working on it. I thumbnailed the thing and started pages to see how it looked. I’m still kind of discovering ...
Arsène Schrauwen
Arsène Schrauwen Olivier Schrauwen Arsène Schrauwen reminds me a bit of the work of Ben Katchor, with his blocky businessmen engaged in endeavors that seem just outside the real. The book also reminds me of ...
“Museum Piece” page 12
Carnivale: a Kit Kaleidoscope story
Now the second edition of Carnivale is not only available in print, but also in pdf format. You can get either version through Gumroad. The print edition is nice (and I prefer print personally), but ...
“Museum Piece” page 7
Panel: shape, context, and content
Does the shape of a panel carry inherent meaning? A square panel seems to imply stability. Its four equal sides create a sense of equilibrium. Rectangular panels imply movement, horizontal for wide panels, vertical for ...
mid May comics update
First off, “Museum Piece” still plods on one page at a time at Tapas. And “In Water” is “graphic of the week” at Red Fez:
Comics and Language: Reimagining Critical Discourse on the Form by Hannah Miodrag
The subtitle of this book is more accurate than it’s main title; Miodrag examines what she sees as common assumptions and mistakes that comics critics make. She points to lack of precision, sloppy reasoning, and ...