Carnivale on Tabulit

Starting today, Carnivale: a Kit Kaleidoscope Story will be serialized weekly on Tabulit. If you don’t know, Tabulit is an online comics reading subscription service. It works a bit like Netflix; you pay a monthly ...

My Experience with Ingram Spark

I’m not good at marketing. I’d rather just make my comics. But I do try. I’ve gone to conventions, taken ads out in The Comics Journal, and submitted work to various publishers and anthologies. None ...

“Prayer” at Tapas

“Prayer” started out as a little poem that I worked up into a little comic. The deity is in gouache and the other colors are the linework recolored in Photoshop. I like using these little ...

Glimpse at Tapas This is a short comic inspired by a few lines in a poem I read in Poetry. Everything is packed away right now, so I don’t have my notes on what poem or what ...

“Windows” at Tapas

I’ve decided to post smaller comics works at Tapas. I’ve named the series “n i j o m u” if you want to keep abreast of updates. I’m going to try to post something every ...