Lounger covers

I’m finalizing things for the graphic novel collection of Lounger. The interior is all laid out; I’m just finalizing the cover. Since I serialized a digital version at ComiXology, I had three different covers to ...

new project: Callisto 7

Now that Lounger is mostly over, I’m working on new projects. One of them, which I have been planning in my notebooks for years now, is Callisto 7. It’s a sci-fi story about the first ...

new story: Callisto 7

I’m not done with Lounger, but I’ve already started on a new story, Callisto 7. This is going to be a sci-fi story set on a station on Jupiter’s moon, Callisto. As the title implies, ...

Someone to Watch Over Me

I’ve had this idea for an autobiographical piece for awhile and I’ve been trying to develop it. Yet as soon as I think I have a handle on it, things spiral in other directions. And ...

original Carnivale beginning

I started thumbnailing Carnivale: a Kit Kaleidoscope Story in March of 2004. I got to work on the first finished page in August of 2005. Yet that original beginning didn’t feel right. I was trying ...

The Three Endings of “Defrost”

I have these magazine files that I hold old pages in. Everything is organized chronologically and finished work is interspersed with unfinished ideas. I had a new idea for a story based on something I ...