Mutant Fist – first three pages
I’ve finally started working on the story below, Mutant Fist. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and in many ways, elements of it come from my preteen years. It’s the kind of ...
I’ve finally started working on the story below, Mutant Fist. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and in many ways, elements of it come from my preteen years. It’s the kind of ...
Here’s a bit about my current process, for those of you who are interested in such things. I first drew thumbnails of the first seventeen pages of The Third Floor back in June and July. ...
An update of my comics work for August 2024
I haven’t posted here for awhile. Mostly, I’ve just been busy with my paying jobs. But, as I’ve said earlier, I’ve been having trouble completing comics projects. Case in point: I have given up on ...
New pages will probably take awhile after this. I need to plan out the next chapter and write some (!) dialogue. But here are the last few pages of (what is now) the prologue:
This has been a slow and haphazard year creatively, extending from the feelings of last year. As I said before, I’ve lost some faith in my art, which has slowed my momentum and caused me ...
And you can read all the current pages of the work-in-progress graphic novel on Grandpapier.
2022 has been an eventful year personally, professionally, and artistically. For this blog, I’m going to stick to the art. In January, I had some nice reviews. One for my book This Wasn’t the Plan ...
This story is based on a very vivid dream that I had a year ago. The emotions in it were strong and so different than the emotions of my waking life that I felt like ...